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    Same-sex marriage


    The Snow family has a responsibility to the people of Canberra, says Tom Snow.

    Why Tom Snow is giving away $100m

    The philanthropist wanted his marriage to be recognised. He won. Now he’s changing medical science

    • Julie Hare

    August 2022

    Messages of hope fill a board at a Pink Dot event in Singapore in 2019.

    Singapore’s slow steps to ‘rainbow families’

    Getting rid of a “shameful” law that treats all gay men like unprosecuted criminals isn’t enough to stop some leaving the country.

    • Emma Connors

    December 2021

    Members of the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation celebrate after legislation legalising marriage and adoption by same-sex couples was approved, in Santiago, Chile.

    Chile legalises same-sex marriage at fraught political moment

    The measure will be signed into law during the final stretch of the presidential race in which the leading candidates are bitterly at odds on this and other issues.

    • Pascale Bonnefoy and Ernesto Londoño

    March 2021

    International companies say a more open approach to same-sex relationships will help make Japan more competitive.

    Japanese court rules same-sex marriage ban is ‘unconstitutional’

    The ruling is a major symbolic victory in a country where the constitution defines marriage as being based on ‘the mutual consent of both sexes’. 

    • Elaine Lies

    April 2020

    Warren Entsch congratulates Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman, who had just given his first speech in Parliament on  March 2, 2016. Both men campaigned for gay marriage.

    'Hypocritcal' Turnbull undermined gay marriage shift

    Same-sex marriage campaigner Warren Entsch says the former prime minister is misleading about his support for the change.

    • Aaron Patrick

    February 2020

    Alan Joyce.

    Can Alan Joyce fly Qantas into aviation history?

    Airlines need to be match fit to survive, let alone thrive, says the Qantas CEO – and he applies the same discipline to himself.

    • Jemima Whyte and Fiona Carruthers

    December 2019

    It's been 10 years since the Senate ended any chance of a consensus on energy and climate policy.

    What the past two decades of politics can teach you

    When it comes to big reforms in politics, take what is on offer because it will be decades, if ever, before you get another chance.

    • Phillip Coorey

    October 2019

    Women of Influence (WOI) composite index image of Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, Belinda Clark and Anna Brown.

    AFR's 11 most influential women revealed

    MCA director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and former Test cricketer Belinda Clark were among the category winners in The Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence awards.

    • Sally Patten

    September 2019

    Can Scott Morrison beat the energy policy voodoo?

    A ScoMo dynasty? Not so fast

    This Coalition government needs to cut through the culture wars and get to the nub of the energy regulation problem. Or it may go the way of its predecessors.

    • Andrew Clark

    May 2019

    Megan Davis, pro vice-chancellor, indigenous, University of NSW, says having an indigenous voice in the constitution will succeed because it is a people's movement.

    Backing the Uluru Statement is a smart move

    It is no surprise the big end of town is throwing its full weight behind the movement to give Indigenous Australians recognition in the constitution.

    • Tony Boyd
    Same-sex marriage supporters gather outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei for the decision.

    Taiwan approves same-sex marriage

    Taiwan has become the first place in Asia with a comprehensive law both allowing and laying out the terms of same-sex marriage.

    On radio in Adelaide, Scott Morrison said he believed the election result would be the will of the Australian people, not God."I'm not running for Pope, I'm running for prime minister," he said.

    Scott Morrison says he doesn't believe gay people will go to hell

    The Prime Minister has moved to shut down questions about whether he believes gay people will go to hell.

    • Tom McIlroy and Andrew Tillett

    April 2019

    Izzy Williams, Sita Paling, Clio Doughty and Madison Lawrence are amongst the young women planning to vote for Zali Steggall or Susan Moylan-Coombs in the upcoming federal election.

    Tony Abbott off-brand for younger voters

    Young voters in the electorate of Warringah say that their local MP Tony Abbott is out of step with what matters to Millennials, making the independent candidates running against him all the more appealing alternatives.

    • Natasha Gillezeau and Liz Main