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    Prison tips on keeping fit in lockdown

    From jump squats to the creative use of tuna cans ex prisoner Joe Kwon takes us through the best exercises for confined spaces.

    In prison it's common to improvise with whatever props are available. Tuna cans – the 185g 'medium sized' variety – are like currency inside, says Joe Kwon.  Louie Douvis

    Joe Kwon

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    There are few 'living quarters' as small as a prison cell, and doing time inside forces you to get creative in how you make use of your space. Which comes in particularly handy now that we're all under virtual house arrest.

    I spent nine years in prison and had plenty of time to think about and formulate confined-space bodyweight training routines.

    At times, inmates can spend up to 72 hours locked in their cells and training was an important way of staying positive in a very negative situation. It was a way to be free – because I could choose how I trained – but required discipline, and this helped me come out of prison both physically and mentally stronger and more resilient.

    The following routines were popular inside and can be done in just a couple of square metres.

    The prison cell workout

    Warm up

    Hinge into upward stretch Louie Douvis

    Hinge into upward stretch
    (x 10)
    Keeping legs straight with your feet shoulder width apart bend forward to touch the ground then stretch up with your arms straight.

    Bent over torso rotation, aka opposite hand opposite foot. Keep your back straight and core tight.  Louie Douvis


    Bent over torso rotation
    (10 each side)
    With legs in a wide stance position touch the opposite foot with the opposite hand while rotating the torso. Keep your back straight and core tight.

    High knees: don't forget to use your arms. Louie Douvis

    High knees and star jumps
    (Repeat for 2 minutes, 20 x high knees into 10 x star jumps.)
    High knees are the closest thing to running you can do in a confined space. Make sure you keep your knees high and parallel with your hips, and don't forget to move your arms.


    This is a full bodyweight workout designed to increase metabolic rate, strength and endurance in a small space.

    You should move fast between exercises with no breaks but be sure to maintain your form. Begin with two repeats for all four exercises then increase the number of repeats by two for each exercise until you get to 10 reps of each movement. Then decrease each exercise by two repeats until you're back to two reps.

    Of course, normal push ups are fine. But in prison it's common to improvise with whatever props are available. Tuna cans – the 185g 'medium sized' variety – are like currency inside. A lot of guys are eating six of these a day to hit their protein count, so the Black and Gold brand at $1.80 a can is most economic. But if you're high rolling, Sirena Chilli tuna ($4.30 a can) is like the $100 bill of tuna currency. If you have too many of these in your cell the officers know you're selling drugs.

    A can in a sock also doubles as a defensive weapon, but for this purpose push ups on a couple of cans allows a deeper stretch on the chest.

    Jump squats: keep looking straight ahead and drop till your thighs are horizontal.  Louie Douvis

    Jump squats Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, torso upright, look straight then drop your hips low and use your arms to add momentum as you jump, before landing back into a squat.


    Tuna tins are like currency in prison, and are used in push ups to get a deeper chest stretch.  Louie Douvis

    Push ups on tuna cans Place two pairs of tuna cans just wider than your shoulders. Place your hands on top of the cans while you're in a plank position; keep your core tight and slowly lower your chest and hold the stretch for a second at the bottom then push up to squeeze your chest for a second at the top with your arms locked.

    Alternating lunges: lower your back leg to horizontal and don't let your front knee come forward of your toe. Louie Douvis

    Alternating lunges Alternate legs while keeping torso upright with 80 per cent of the weight on the front leg. Make sure you keep the front knee parallel with front toe and back leg at 90 degrees. Double up the reps on the alternating lunges.

    90-degree toe touches  Louie Douvis

    90 degree toe touches Lying on you back, keep your legs straight up in an L shape then get your shoulder blades off the ground to reach out and touch your toes while crunching the stomach.

        The Segro

        This strength and conditioning workout originated in the US Navy Seals and has been popular in prisons since the '70s. 'Segro' is a prison within a prison and things can be less predictable than in the main blocks – one of those being when your next shower will come. So the Segro is popular in segregation because it's less cardiovascular intensive, and that means you sweat less.


        This workout will really target the upper body and core while testing your endurance. All you need is the smallest space and plenty of heart!

        It's pretty simple. Start with a push up, bring your left knee up, then another push up and bring the right knee up, before a third push up and into a standing position.

        The Segro: Push up then bring one knee up, another push up and bring the other knee up, before a final push-up into a standing position. Louie Douvis

        Do as many as possible in 1 min.

        Repeat five times, with 45 seconds rest between rounds.

        Push up into standing position. Add a jump if you're next shower isn't too far away. Louie Douvis

        Joe Kwon runs ConFit outdoor fitness groups in inner Sydney, which help former prisoners become fitness professionals and provides a support network for them in an effort to reduce recidivism – it costs about $110,000 a year to house a prisoner, and more than half return to jail within two years of release. Groups have switched to Zoom while COVID-19 restrictions are in place.

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