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    The 'elephant in the room' for executive women

    AFR BOSS magazine explores the challenges that senior leaders face in maintaining physical and mental wellbeing.

    For some women, menopause symptoms are so severe they interfere with daily life. Niki Fisher

    Clare MorganProduction editor

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    While working with senior female leaders, executive coach Jane Porter began noticing “an elephant in the room”. Porter, the head of education at leadership development group IECL by GrowthOps Australia, saw executive women struggling with the symptoms of menopause.

    Variously affected by hot flushes, sleeplessness, fatigue, mood swings, poor concentration and forgetfulness, some women found it a challenge to perform at their usual level.

    Hot flushes are just one symptom of menopause that some women struggle with. iStock

    During one three-way session, the male manager of a senior woman described the main goal of the coaching as enabling the woman to “get a grip on her emotions”. After he left the room, the woman began to cry and revealed that she was going through menopause. “Some days it’s just not clear how I am supposed to ‘get a grip on my emotions’ … Some days I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

    Most women become menopausal between 45 and 60. In Australia the average age for menopause, defined as a woman’s final menstrual period, is 51. It is preceded by perimenopause, sometimes called menopausal transition, when the symptoms of menopause begin.

    About 80 per cent of women will have menopausal symptoms which, according to the Australasian Menopause Society, can last between five and 10 years. For about 20 per cent of these women, symptoms will be so severe they interfere with daily life.

    Not that you will hear many people talk about it, and certainly not in the upper echelons of management or board rooms. “I don’t know whether it’s fear of the unknown or it’s just a lack of understanding, but we don’t know what to do with it,” says Porter.

    Undermining confidence

    For some senior women, menopause symptoms seriously undermine their confidence as they find themselves suddenly bathed in sweat in a meeting, unable to recall details they used to rattle off without a second thought, or forgetting the name of the person sitting opposite.

    Porter has seen it in her coaching sessions. “There is fear of disclosure, fear of the impact on a successful career, fear because the powers-that-be won’t understand,” she says. “They think ‘I won’t get promoted’ or ‘I won’t get the board position’ or ‘I won’t be invited into that forum’.”


    Dr Elizabeth Farrell, medical director at Jean Hailes for Women's Health, says the stigma of menopause is a particular concern for executive women. “There’s a sense that somehow it will diminish their capacity to function or demean them. I think that the education of men and women about the expectations of what will happen when periods stop, and the time leading up to it, is incredibly important.”

    In Britain, there has been a push for workplace policies to protect women going through menopause. Ruth McPhail, professor of human resource management and head of the department of employment relations and human resources at Griffith University, says workplace laws and leave provisions mean such legislation should be unnecessary in Australia.

    And with women occupying only a a quarter of senior leadership roles at top Australian companies, the last thing needed is introducing measures that might stigmatise them.

    “I think what is needed is a more holistic wellbeing and mental health approach to leadership,” she says. “We need to say, ‘Look, these people at these senior levels are precious and have a lot of value to us and we need to look after them.’

    “Perhaps we need a regular wellness check-in for anybody in highly stressful, very senior roles. They would get advice in a supportive way that actually shows we value them as senior leaders, rather than just putting all the pressure and responsibility on them.”

    According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, labour force participation of women aged between 45 and 54 rose from 46.6 per in 1978 to 80.2 per cent in 2018. Given this, McPhail says there is an economic benefit to acknowledging menopause and supporting women going through it.

    “The fact is, this is not something that will last forever. Therefore we need to be prepared to support leaders and managers through that phase.”

    Like McPhail, Farrell does not want to see menopause regarded as a problem. “Whenever there are events happening that impact only on women, there’s always that concern that it will be seen as a negative and therefore you can’t be trusted,” she says. “It is important to acknowledge that women are effective employees and that as one gets older, one’s maturity and life experience and capacity to work in leadership roles improves, in most cases.”

    Education is vital, says Farrell, who believes anyone who deals regularly with employees, including human resources staff, should be aware of biological differences. “It’s about cultural education and learning that women’s biological processes are different from men and they’re not to be feared or demeaned.”

    Porter points out that menopause has been around as long as women have, and it is important to normalise it. “This isn’t a 21st-century issue.”

    Farrell says there are things women can do to help reduce the impact of symptoms, including avoiding triggers for hot flushes such as hot drinks, spicy food and moving from a warm room to a cold room or vice versa.

    “If you’re one of those women who are flushing and sweating, always dress in layers. Have a hand fan, have a cold drink, you can even have a water spray to spray your face to cool it down.”

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    Clare MorganProduction editorClare is a desk editor for The Australian Financial Review. Email Clare at

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