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    Gladys Berejiklian and the loss of innocence

    The NSW Premier has destroyed her party's ability to attack the opposition over its corrupt history.

    Shock and awe: Gladys Berejiklian's revelations this week have Liberal MPs worried. David Rowe

    Aaron PatrickSenior correspondent

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    he NSW Liberal Party – a rare Australian right-wing success story at state level – was politically neutered this week.

    For the past half decade, the party has, above all other policy and political contests, held an advantage over the Labor opposition: its leadership was free from the taint of corruption.

    Now, as the whole state knows, Premier Gladys Berejiklian was in an "on again, off again" relationship for five years with Daryl Maguire, an MP of such low moral stature and self respect that he pimped himself out to a small-time Western Sydney property developer 20 years his junior.

    Watching, in awed horror, are Berejiklian's 46 Liberal parliamentary colleagues, on whom her fate rests. They seem more shocked than the public, both that the abstemious premier actually had a love life and that she chose Maguire, described by former agriculture minister Niall Blair as "an old woman".

    Nine years of fairly competent government, including a state that has remained mostly open during the pandemic, has been put at risk by the Premier's love life.

    On the substantive matter of the Premier's brush with possible corruption, that is subject to an inquiry by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption.

    Daryl Maguire said on Friday he limited the information he shared with the premier. Rhett Wyman

    On Friday, Maguire, whom Berejiklian pushed out of Parliament in 2018 for seeking commissions from developers, told ICAC he limited the information he shared with the Premier.

    “Yes, I would have been concerned that it would cause an issue for her,” he said. “I thought it would cause her difficulties so I limited the information that I gave her.”


    The mood among voters seems to be somewhat sympathetic to Berejiklian. As one said this week, "Who hasn't dated a dickhead?"

    Alex Greenwich, a left-wing independent MP representing central Sydney, refused to vote for a no-confidence motion. "[The] Premier has worked hard to get us through the pandemic," he wrote. "There are no corruption charges against the Premier."

    Corruption's shadow

    Among Liberal MPs, the mood is less sanguine. They are deeply worried about the loss of their leader's anti-corruption credibility. Never again will Berejiklian be able to credibly use Labor's long record of ICAC appearances to cudgel the opposition.

    One source said that Liberal MPs have been warned not to discuss the leadership question, even in theoretical terms, to avoid generating news articles about the leadership that might become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    One said, though, they are unclear what would happen if Berejiklian resigned. "There hasn't been a contested leadership contest in a decade," they said. A common presumption is that Dominic Perrottet, the deputy leader and treasurer, would ascend.

    But Perrottet is a conservative and the centrist faction is dominant in NSW. A Perrottet alliance with a left-leaning minister such as Matt Kean, who oversees energy and the environment, is rumoured. But there is no certainty it would hold.

    From outside the state, it may be hard to appreciate how far corruption's shadow hangs over NSW politics. In half a century, no generation of politicians has avoided allegations of high-level wrongdoing, which is partly why ICAC's public inquiries, which are so different to behind-the-scenes police work, have become pivotal political moments.

    Liberal premier Bob Askin was posthumously accused of selling knighthoods in the 1960s. Labor's Neville Wran was accused by Four Corners of perverting the course of justice in 1983. Nick Greiner, another Liberal, resigned in 1992 after an adverse ICAC finding, although was cleared by a court. Bob Carr's Labor government included the infamous Eddie Obeid, who removed a premier, Nathan Rees, in 2009 after he tried to stamp out corruption. Liberal premier Barry O'Farrell quit in 2014 after giving false evidence to ICAC about a gift of expensive wine.


    Despite the historical bipartisan stench, in contemporary state politics ICAC is associated with the Labor Party. Or was, until this week. On Tuesday, an ICAC barrister, Scott Robertson, sensationally got Berejiklian to reveal that she had been in a "close personal relationship" with Maguire since 2015.

    Former Labor minister Eddie Obeid arriving at court April, 2014. His name became a byword for political corruption in NSW. Rob Homer

    The revelation was politically explosive. It has already eaten away some of the goodwill generated by Berejiklian's handling of the pandemic. In NSW, voters have watched in horror the three-month lockdown in Melbourne and the 816 deaths in Victoria compared with their 53. Berejiklian's management of the outbreak has been seen by many professional observers as steady, confident and proportionate.

    Now, she is under attack from the left and right. Labor Party leader Jodi McKay, a former regional TV newsreader, is ripping apart Berejiklian's reputation for strong, sober judgment.

    More ominously, News Corp has turned on the Premier. The media company's conservative outlets have not spared Berejiklian in their reporting, in commentary, or personal opinions.

    Two hours after news of Berejiklian's relationship broke, Linda Silmalis, the Sunday and Saturday Telegraph chief reporter, tweeted: "Premier Gladys Berejiklian cannot survive politically. She did not shut down a person she was having a relationship with who was clearly engaged in questionable activities."

    That afternoon, Sky News political editor Andrew Clennell attended a news conference in Sydney where Perrottet and Health Minister Brad Hazzard offered their support.

    Clennell interrupted Berejiklian several times while she tried to answer his questions relating to her fitness for office. He then went on air and said she "won't be premier at the next election".

    While cable news doesn't attract large audiences, Clennell and his colleagues are closely watched by Liberal politicians and party members. A perception that News Corp's editorial leadership, who can help and hinder political careers, believes Berejilkian should or will be removed is likely to make that more likely.


    Three problems

    The Sydney Morning Herald hasn't provided much comfort to the Premier either. On Thursday the newspaper published an opinion article by Nicholas Cowdery, the NSW director of public prosecutions from 1994 to 2011.

    Cowdery said Berejiklian should stand aside until "electors can see the whole picture". The lawyer pointed out three problems for her.

    Berejiklian met with publicans her ministers refused to see, at Maguire’s behest, over what were referred to as “gaming issues”. When Maguire mentioned a successful property deal, she said: “I don’t need to know that; about that bit”. He replied: “No, you don’t." An email to her private account from one of Maguire's contacts-cum-clients, Louise Raedler Waterhouse, seeking help with a planning change was permanently deleted. The change was worth about $1.5 million to Maguire.

    "There is an implicit acknowledgment in that exchange of something inappropriate being glossed over," Cowdery wrote.

    Digging in

    The Premier is digging in, a decision not unnoticed by her colleagues. She has appeared in public every day this week, and freely taken questions from the media.

    Gladys Berejiklian and Brad Hazzard at their press conference on Wednesday, where she called some questions "offensive".  Nick Moir

    She apologised for her misjudged relationship with Maguire, which she blamed on being too trusting. At the same time, on Wednesday, she tempered her contrition with a touch of aggression.

    "My tolerance for answering questions which frankly are offensive is waning," she told reporters.


    The response served as a back-off warning to the media, and perhaps a signal to her colleagues that her contrition has its limits.

    Politics and business

    Until this week, Berejiklian was generally regarded as politically unassailable. For the past three years, the government's popularity has rested on her reputation for integrity and diligence. She turned a lack of personal colour into a political asset.

    That is what makes her decision to continue a relationship with Maguire after he admitted to unethical conduct in 2018 inexplicable.

    One theory is that Berejiklian figured finding a new partner would be difficult in such a high profile and busy position. Leadership is lonely, and presumably she valued Maguire's companionship.

    Lobbyist Michael Photios ran Gladys Berejiklian's Liberal Party faction. 

    Some Liberal MPs consider another possibility: that a culture of mixing politics and business is so ingrained in NSW that Berejiklian didn't consider Maguire's behaviour egregious enough to cut off contact.

    After all, Berejiklian's centrist Liberal Party faction was, and still may be, controlled by a lobbyist, Michael Photios. His influence over NSW politics has been so great that some MPs refer to the faction as "Photios Inc".

    In a relatively finely balanced state parliament, 48 Coalition seats to 36 Labor, in a state that may have a slight natural lean towards Labor, the long-term political consequences could be severe.

    Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who was a director of the NSW Liberal Party, has offered Berejiklian effusive public support. He would appreciate that a weakening of the NSW Liberals could have national implications.

    Although the next state election isn't scheduled until 2023, the NSW coalition is fragile and its majority only two. The loss of the most populous state would cost the federal Coalition political resources and money in NSW. The internal balance of power would likely shift northward, where the climate is more conservative.

    As for Maguire, he has done Berejiklian great professional damage. But this week he provided little material for her political opponents, which may be the most honourable thing he has done in this torrid affair.

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    Aaron Patrick
    Aaron PatrickSenior correspondentAaron Patrick is the senior correspondent. He writes about politics and business from the Sydney newsroom. Email Aaron at

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