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    How AUSTRAC is saving kids from sexual abuse

    The financial enforcer is ensuring banks report the kind of transactions that give away the activities of predators.

    Madonna King

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    In 2020, a trickle that became a stream of tiny financial transactions to fund child sexual abuse, eventually became a flood that destroyed some of Australia’s biggest business reputations. And it had the unintended, but enduringly good, impact of adding a valuable weapon to the armoury for the fight against child exploitation.

    Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer resigned after the bank fell foul of anti-money laundering laws. Alex Ellinghausen

    At the heart of the flood was the detective work of the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), the federal government agency charged with monitoring the legality of money flowing in and out of the country.

    Its main target was Westpac. AUSTRAC swamped Westpac’s reputation with a civil court action, alleging negligence in discerning and reporting large-scale money laundering between 2012 and 2019. It accused the bank of breaching anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing laws on more than 23 million occasions, involving $11 billion in transactions. Westpac was duly ordered by the court to pay the highest civil penalty in Australian history: $1.3 billion.

    Some of Westpac’s failings involved suspicious transactions related to child exploitation in the Philippines, including two associated with child sex offenders. While AUSTRAC’s allegations covered much broader ground than child exploitation, it was this revelation that tore at the heart of the bank’s integrity, and fuelled the public’s displeasure.

    Westpac, Australia’s oldest bank, was shaken. Its share price was ravaged, and its leadership team became the target of angry investors and an indignant public – chief executive Brian Hartzer, along with other executives, resigned.

    The accusations centred on claims that payments by hundreds of customers showed telltale connections to child abuse not just in the Philippines but other countries, too – the bank later confirmed this was so. Many of the amounts, in isolation, were tiny, but they were frequent and they met the red flags AUSTRAC had given all financial institutions at the start of the 2010s, when it asked them to be alert to the misuse of their services by child sex abusers. But Westpac took until 2018 to pay attention.

    The action by AUSTRAC not only put the spotlight on Westpac but also on the business side of child sexual exploitation, which, thanks to the ubiquity of the internet and the ever-present desire to profit from it, was burgeoning.

    A shamed Westpac, keen to retrieve its reputation, responded by both reforming its own business practices and by funding an initiative designed to stop the future channelling of money from Australian viewers of sexual violence to their evil partners in crime in other countries.

    The scale of the business that sits behind child sexual exploitation is difficult to ascertain, but the money can be traced back to two things.


    One is the willingness of certain people to pay to see exploitative material, principally via pay-per-view or subscription sites.

    The other is the rising trend of sexploitation. The motivation by offenders is focused almost exclusively on forcing children to perform sex acts on camera. The target, who is increasingly likely to be a male in his late teens, is subsequently blackmailed to pay for the removal of videoed or photographed sex acts he has been enticed to perform by someone with a fake online persona.

    In both instances, the money is required to be transmitted to the perpetrator. And this is where the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) in Australia has come into its own, working with regulators and financiers to alert them to how to spot these transactions and then report them.

    Essentially, ICMEC’s work invokes one of the oldest principles adhered to by investigators of wrongdoing: follow the money.

    Jon Rouse, who is a non-executive director of ICMEC, says “taking out the consumer base” in commercial online child sex operations is the most effective way of dismantling them. “There are no low-hanging fruit,” he says. “We need to chase down every single target we can and that means taking out the people who are paying for it.”

    Anna Bowden, ICMEC Australia’s savvy CEO, says her organisation – funded by Westpac after the financial transaction scandal – aims to help banks pick up payments directed at online child sex abuse, including financial sextortion, and then to feed quality information to AUSTRAC and law enforcement agencies.

    Bowden says members of a working group made up of law enforcement, bank and not-for-profit representatives who have access to huge reserves of online data, collaborate to finger transactions that might otherwise escape attention.

    “Sitting in a financial crime unit seeing $30 being paid for school fees [to an overseas destination] doesn’t mean anything by itself,” she says. But in tandem with other information or data, a case might be built to show that transaction is funding online child sex pursuits. This approach would almost certainly have highlighted the payments that dented Westpac’s reputation only a few years ago.

    While online child abuse is itself often not driven by money, more and more financial crime networks are emerging that have the ability to produce content and then distribute and sell it.

    “It’s much easier to get to victims, unfortunately. You can go online and find someone very quickly,” Bowden says. The perpetrators include single operators. “There are dads sitting online at night doing stuff,” explains Bowden. “But more and more they are networking with each other. And then there’s people where it’s not necessarily about the content, it’s about the profit. So they’re organising criminal networks in order to just extort and make money.”


    ‘Urgent and defining issue’

    The total amount of money being paid to extorters, whose demands can range from $50 to $10,000, is difficult to tally because only one in four teens is likely to report the offence.

    In addition, investigators say the overseas-based sextorters will also negotiate, and perhaps include vouchers which can be transferred into cash online for a small fee.

    Regardless, this is now considered such a serious threat that, in December 2022, the FBI issued a National Public Safety Alert on Financial Sextortion Schemes. Meanwhile, a global threat assessment by the WeProtect Global Alliance, which involves more than 100 governments, 70 companies and a host of charities, has labelled child sexual exploitation and abuse online as “one of the most urgent and defining issues of our generation”.

    In case you think this is something that only happens in other countries, consider this: in 2022, more than 500 current Australian bank, financial services and digital accounts were closed down because of a joint AFP and AUSTRAC effort called Operation Huntsman. It prompted the banks to help facilitate the closure of accounts that were held in Australia but linked to international organised crime syndicates.

    AFP Assistant Commissioner Hilda Sirec says boys seem to be more persuaded with the quick hit conducted by offshore syndicates. Jason South

    A year later, investigators continue to comb through the details of more than 1000 Australian accounts that have seen money flowing out of the country due to financial sextortion.

    The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation says it is recording more than 100 reports of this type of sextortion each month, and more than 90 per cent of victims are male, usually aged between 15 and 17 – although some are as young as 10.

    Julie Inman Grant, Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, is seeing a similar pattern, but with young men up to 24 years of age being targeted.

    “It’s very lucrative,” she says. “We’ve had very distressed young people coming to us who have already given up about $10,000.” Some had negotiated the payment down to $150, but once the criminals got the $150, they knew they could access money and kept coming back to them.


    Males and females are being targeted differently, too. Boys are being sextorted for money, while more intimate imagery or an escalation in sexual activity is more likely to be demanded of girls. AFP Assistant Commissioner Hilda Sirec says boys seem to be more persuaded by the quick hit conducted by offshore syndicates.

    In other words, they have the characteristics most global businesses seek in their “customers” – they are a ready and vulnerable market.

    “When you’ve got a gorgeous young lady between 14 and 17 prepared to send you some intimate images, the boys are turning around and saying, ‘Yep, giddy up on. I’m in for this.’”

    Inman Grant says, “This is global organised crime,” adding that many tips have zeroed in on the West African nations of Nigeria, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, and more recently on the Philippines and India. The roots of this illegal phenomenon in Australia can be traced back to the proliferation of email scams a few years ago, where recipients were told that compromising photographs of them existed and they urgently needed to transfer money or risk having the images exposed online.

    Investigators believe these syndicates use a strategy whereby large numbers of potential offenders attempt to make contact with children. They have a methodology, akin to a script, and work out of pop-up-type call centres, equipped with quotas and targets.

    Investigators also believe they use hierarchical structures and rely on systematic funnelling to move money from their teen victims into Australian bank accounts, before the cash is then moved offshore.

    Because a syndicate in Africa or Asia cannot open an Australian bank account, “money mules” – who may or may not be aware of the criminality behind what they are doing – are used to open accounts.

    Some teens who are not able to pay the ransom to keep their sex acts from being distributed online are also being forced to open accounts, and are given instructions of where to then send the money deposited in them. This is where the AFP and AUSTRAC, through Operation Huntsman, have focused their attention: tracking down the money being siphoned to offshore accounts.

    Michelle DeLaune, head of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the United States, says threats will continue to emerge. For example, in the four years to 2022, NCMEC saw a 567 per cent increase in reports relating to the “sexual enticement of a child”. The COVID-19 pandemic was a factor here, with a distinct increase in the number of young girls being targeted.


    In fact, DeLaune’s team tracked predators talking openly in the dark web about how easy it was to find children during the pandemic. The comments included: “How many single or divorced dads are now stuck at home with their horny daughters that can’t visit their boyfriends? That must create some opportunities lol.” And: “I hope there are terabytes of new content being created right now with bored dads and older brothers stuck at home all day with their kids/ siblings.”

    Online child sex victim identification expert Paul Griffiths says the changing modus operandi of predators challenges investigators because it requires a different mindset to tackle. He says, “It’s worrying on two fronts because you’ve got the straight financial aspects of the crime, and then the lasting damage to the kids as well. Some of the intricacies of the way that the exploitation is actually being applied is forcing the kids to commit acts that they wouldn’t have otherwise committed – because [the predators] know they have more financial value once they’ve done that.”

    “We need to track down every single target,” says ICMEC’s Rouse, meaning the criminals who sexually assault young children, those who upload harrowing images, the customers of pay per-view and subscription operations, members of the huge dark web operations that harbour offenders, and those who have zero sexual interest in kids but who just want money.

    And that’s because, at the centre of all those networked predator streams, there are children.

    Saving Our Kids: The inside story of Taskforce Argos, Detective Inspector Jon Rouse and their mission to protect our children online by Madonna King (Hachette Australia).

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